Frequently Asked Questions

  1. To make reservation via our website, use the availability form anywhere from the website, to select your Arrival Date, Departure Date & Number of people, then click Check Availability
  2. Select the Quantity of the room(s) you want & click Select this room button.
  3. Your selected room will be added to Cart, and you can click the Checkout button to Finalize your reservation, or select more room types to add to cart the same way & book them all at once.
  4. After Adding your preferred room(s) to Cart, click the Checkout button, and fill the Final Form with required information.
  5. Choose your preferred mode of payment at the bottom of the final page, and click Place Order button. That’s it, you’ll receive an email confirmation about your order.

Yes, you can book more than one room type at once i.e. Single Room + Double Room, by choosing the quantity of each & adding them to cart with Select this room button, and then click the checkout  button to Finalize.

Our prices are flexible, you can get discounts by applying any of the available Coupons to the cart page or at the checkout page.

  1. To apply coupons to your Total, Navigate to the Coupons page (Promotion >> Coupons), and copy the coupon code you want
  2. After Selecting your room(s) to the cart, navigate to the Cart page & enter the code in the field named Coupon code and click the Apply coupon button to get the discount immediately.
  3. You can also enter the code at the checkout page, by clicking the section “Have a coupon? Click here to enter your code” , paste your coupon code and click the APPLY COUPON button to get immediate discount.

Yes, we not only pick you up from the airport, but we do it For Free, since our hotel is very near to the Airport, it’s only a 5 minutes drive from the airport.

You can promote us via our Affiliate Program (Promotion >> Affiliate Program) and earn a 10% commission on each sale, or use that balance for Free Accommodation at our Hotel the next time you visit Rwanda.